Experiences, challenges, celebrations and setbacks can serve as a perfect backdrop for a songwriters canvas. Though she is young in age, Bre is rich and blessed with a deep understanding of her purpose and calling. To worship, is to touch God at an incredible level of intimacy. To write songs that take people to the place of surrender and peace, is the desire of Bre's heart.

Standing on stage in front of 10,000 people, at age 1, she probably couldn't imagine what God had in store for her. Her first solo at age 7 in front of 15,000 people, was both exciting and overwhelming. God was placing each step in her staircase and each step she took represented a piece to her God given puzzle.

At a very young age, Bre was given the privilege to work with at risk kids not only in her home town of Orlando, but in Haiti and Honduras. These life changing, heart searching experiences, have become a huge part of her song writing, along with the deep desire to see people set free in worship. Having the privilege of being a pastors daughter, she has seen a lot of hurt and pain in people's lives. As Bre began seeing so many young girls seeking their identity in all the wrong places, she became deeply aware of the need for true godly examples. She strives daily to walk her journey in such a way that her life turns those she meets, towards God.

Her deepest desire is to write and sing music that leads people to Jesus! Blessed with a very strong, unique voice, Bre believes that God has given her this gift to take the hurting, the lost and the forgotten, to a place of healing, acceptance and refuge!

The release of her first single "The Same" is very exciting and a pivotal piece to her next step on her staircase. The promise that God is the same no matter how different our seasons are, is a promise we can all stand on. Bre is anticipating and humbled at the opportunity to let God use her gift.